
Friday, May 7, 2010


I was told to burn my Bible the other day when I was doing door-to-door work. I have never had anyone tell me to burn my Bible. This woman wouldn’t hear what we were saying when we started to talk about Mary. She said that Mary was always a virgin, and that she never bore children after Jesus. Which is false! So we told here that even in her Catholic Bible, it says that Mary had sons and daughters (Matthew 13:55-56; Mark 6:3). We explained that Mary was a woman who honored Christ and was faithful, but should not be put higher than Christ. This has just been a little insight into how the Catholic Church has a stronghold on so many people here. My eyes are continuing to be opened daily to idolatry and the deceitfulness that these people are under. But then it has also brought me to think about idolatry all around, and not just with physical statues (such as Mary, Buddha, etc…) but that other things can disguise themselves as idols. I find that even the internet, money, relationships, media, celebrities, and so many other things, can be idols that we put above the Lord. This is not a new thought, but I feel that by me being here I now understand how serious it is. The Lord wants us to put Him first as our number one priority. I fear that when we fill other areas of our life that do not glorify God then we will loose sight of His plan and will fall into being deceived as well, even by our own self. The Lord is Mighty and has a perfect plan for our lives, why wouldn’t I put Him first, why wouldn’t He always be on the forefront of my mind. He loves me and is faithful!

That is a picture of the Shrine at this place called Knock, the same town where the woman told me to burn my Bible.


  1. I'll be praying for you Nikki. You are right on the front lines of evangelism in such a dark world. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue to give you the words exactly at the moment you need it, just as he's done already. Journaling is a good thing too, I hope you'll consider doing some on this trip. God will show you "from whence you came" and the miles of growth to anticipate and recognize later. Keep reminding us to check your blog on FB...thanks for allowing me to peek into your ministry. God is good and He is using you in mighty ways.

  2. The blessing of living away from our home culture are lessons like you shared...what a joy to learn what is standing in our way as we seek to follow Christ...way to go, you are keeping it honest!!

  3. Prayin' for you!
    You're so right about idols... even good and "godly" things can become idols- family, financial budgets, ministry- if we make these our focus instead of God.
    Miss you lot's :-)

  4. I've had this exact issue going through my head for the past couple days. I was praying on this very thing today. Good blogging Nik, its so great to read your thoughts. Look at God work! :) Love it! xoxo
